Friday 7 March 2014

BIG exams

Hi,  happy Saturday every one.

Are you a mum whose children is either taking UPSR, PMR, SPM or STPM this year? Or you are a student and will be sitting for one of the exams?

My daughter Athirah and Irdina is taking SPM and UPSR respectively this year.

I have many friends who suddenly will experience constant headache if any of their children are sitting for one of the 'big exams".

I understand that as a dedicated and loving mother, we want the best for our children. We want them to score all As and their pictures and stories will be told in the newspapers! Don't you think that they want it too? Maybe they want it more than us?

Often, we mothers failed to realize that we are caused them stress and fear. Without realizing (maybe) it, we made our children feel that big exams are tough and difficult to pass with great result.

Please be honest to yourself. Have you ever said any of these famous "quotes" to your children?

"You better study hard, or else you will surely fail!"
"This is not easy you know?! Drop everything and just study!"
"You must get all As, otherwise you will embarrass your father and me!!!"
"What shall I tell my friends if you did not get all As? I better off my hand phone!"

...the list, of course can goes on and on.

On the contrary we sent them for extra tuition and private tutors and we bought extra books for them. We thought we are doing our best to help them.

Are we not confusing them? What we said to them simply contradicted our action.

I believe there is only one way to send a positive message and hope for a positive result. We have to convey our message to them in a positive manner.

They know that we are helping them to prepare for the big exams. Instead of saying, "you must score all As, or else...", we can always say, "just do your best, dear, I know you can." And, "I will always pray for your success.", "Please let me know if you need more help in any of the subjects."

Surely, our responsibility does not end there. Help them by showing that you really care. Your action is what matters to them. Regularly (which does not mean every few hours!) check and discuss their school work with them. Tell them with a sincere smile and confidence written on your face but in a relax way, "You always do your best, I know you'll get straight As".

Yup, we want them to get all As but we don't have to inflict fear in their mind. I don't believe it will work.

Just let them enjoy their school days. Help them to get through it (and let me remind you it means 12 to 14 years before they enter varsity). Make them feel that passing exams with great result is an ordinary and simple job for a student. It is a normal thing. Can we mothers just take it that way? We have gone through it and we survived. We succeed, yeah?!

Other than this, just make sure that we feed them with healthy and nutritious meal. Let them have sufficient sleep. And please take them out once in a while either to the park for a light recreational activities or any other rendezvous.

Being a mother of our own faith, please remember to pray to our Creator for His bless and may He have mercy on us. He knows that we mothers only do and want the best for our children.

Let me tell you a secret...

" THEY GET ALL As". Tell them, confidently, every day.


  1. I do so agree... Sometimes we do "over" pressure our kids to perform. And when that happens, sometimes the kids get too stressed and the result of it? even worse results...
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  2. Thanx for your comment, Miera. Mothers pressure their children and end up become more stressful themselves. Huhuhu.

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