Monday 5 January 2015


This is my big problem. I want to have a blog and start writing, but I was not "istiqomah" in doing it. Do you have the same issue? Does anyone out there know how to solve this?

I'm kind of having too many ideas locked up in my brain but do not know where to start or which one to start first. Shall I write about my cooking, my studies, my career or my vacations. Ohhh..too many, it seems.

Or shall I share the story about my friend who thought he knows everything in the world. Who is ever-ready to give you an answer to every problem and a quick solution to most of the questions that you could not even complete it. Waaahhh...

Ohhh, I remember last Saturday I went to watch Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies with my hubby and daughter, Irdina. It was a 2-hour movie. I think  the producer and director had beautifully created  most of the scenes. You know what I meant. Off course they featured some horrible creatures and too violent-scenes , as well. What I meant was they have the most latest CGIs and the superb high-tech technology that they created the scenes to near perfection. Watching it, made you feel like killing when the warriors were killing, sad when they were defeated, crying when two lovers were separated (huhuhuhu), happy when friends were reunited, overwhelmed when you look at the beauty of then hobbits's place and bla...bla...bla...too many.

What else...ohhhhh my. Malaslah.